Sunday, April 11, 2010


India is like a sari- a colourful paraphernalia of different cultures, races and religions. It's a place where knowledge runs deep and values are held high where culture is seated on the lap of honour. It's the land of great sages, the birthplace of discovery and enlightenment. But nowadays, all this takes a back seat when asked to describe our motherland.

If asked to pick some extraordinary quality about our country, it most certainly has to be politics and corruption. Oh come on, India is known for its corruption. we top the chart of least corrupt countries from bottom. Isn't that an achievement? To call ourselves least honest is million times better than being called the most corrupt country in the world. The aliens also visit this planet frequently in search of a country named India, wherein they seek some corruption tips. We all follow Einstein's theory of relativity perfectly well, by getting our relatives into the pay roll.

The entire Indian political system suffers from an unknown virus that reduces accountability; of course general population of the country cannot question the decision taken by a politician. The insecurity and fear of confrontation with political goons coupled with a corrupt police and lethargic judiciary are some reasons for this. Most other democracies, besides resisting the concept of dynastic succession in politics, resist the inclusion of criminals as well. We are above such petty traditions that limit the boundaries of individual freedom. We have to show the world how it should be done, gone ahead and given a standing ovation to candidates who combine both these qualities. Divide and rule is the new cool. World like unity and national integration have slipped into obsolescence. Why learn from the West. We don't care about Germany uniting or half of Europe become European Union. After all we are the smartest race in the world. let's have a new slogan: be Indian, break India.

Indian road rules broadly operate within the domain of karma where you do your best and leave the results to your insurance company. Just trust your instincts, ascertain the direction, and proceed. Adherence to road rules leads to much misery and occasional fatality. We enjoy the world's first mass transit system where 'mass rules the road'. People here have got such a strong stimulus that they can react to an approaching vehicle just nanoseconds before being run over, which shows our expertise in the Doppler's effect.

We have got the best neighbours that one can hope for. On one side, we have Pakistan- such a determined nation that it never gives up. China is like our brother but we seldom talk. Nepal- their soldires are trained in our country but still prefers to take sides with the 'not-so-talked-with' brother. The only thing of some respite is that India is a peninsula.

Then we have Bollywood- the largest producer of flop films in the world. I personally love Bollywood but it comes with a bitter truth that it does produce more flops than hits. Basically it helps in giving employement to people which would otherwise amount to labour problems in our country, which in turn would lead to an exponential increase in the population, thereby adding fuel to the fire.

Railway journeys here are known for the exclusively soothing and phenomenal images that are offered early in the morning by the track sides. You just need to peek out of the window. The stations are so clean that even the flies and the cockroaches are apprehensive of conquering that arena. During your journey, you get to hear the enchanting and soothing music and voice of the chaiwallahs, giving the best of the singers a run for their money.

India is also a land of babas- The number of babas in India are inversely proportional to the numbers of tigers (only 1411 left). Each and every channel is flooded with them in the morning. That is the time when you realize the myriad of babas here. Perhaps, some time back, people used to become a baba to take refuge from work to find some peace and solace but now it has become more of a profession.

We have the most efficient and hare-footed judiciary in the world. It takes only an aeon to take decisions. Courts are only interested to try the matter in decades to generate vacancies and giving long dates even beyond one year so that clever people/advocates lodges the complaints to settle the score behind the courts i.e. Temple of Justice being used as a tool or even weapon to perform the legal murder with the help of money to involve advocates, judges as active participants and enjoy MERA BHARAT MAHAAN, INCREDIBLE INDIA, SATYA MEV JAYATE AFTER DEATH. Laws are made for rich; Courts and Laws are not made for innocents/victims. Everything's possible with money.

How long are we going to bear all this? Don't we all envy other countries and say "Look, so and so country is so clean. They are so honest that they don't even count the money that the shopkeeper gives in return. They are no. 3, 4 etc.... in the list of least corrupt countries."

Even the Almighty has given up now!!!

Is this what we call an Incredible India??? Think about it. It's time to wake up now and do something.......... :-|

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